

Phillip Gomez



May 28, 2023

Understanding the Rules of Sepak Takraw: The Art of Foot Volleyball

#Sepak Takraw

#Foot Volleyball

#Art of Foot Volleyball



#Court Dimensions

#Scoring System






Origins and Development of Sepak Takraw

Sepak Takraw, or kick volleyball, is a traditional game native to Malaysia, Thailand, Brunei, and Indonesia. It is commonly regarded as the national sport of Malaysia and Thailand. The name 'Sepak Takraw' is a Malay term that roughly translates to 'kick volleyball'. The game is a blend of volleyball, soccer, and basketball, where the players use their feet, knees, and chest to kick the rattan ball over a high net. The rules of Sepak Takraw are governed by the Federation Internationale de Sepak Takraw (FISTA) and differ slightly from country to country. However, the basic rules remain the same across the globe.

Court Dimensions and Equipment

The court dimensions for Sepak Takraw vary slightly from country to country. The court size in Malaysia and Thailand is 20 x 40 meters, whereas the court size in Brunei is 20 x 30 meters. The court is marked with a net suspended 10 cm above the ground between two posts. The posts are placed 7.5 meters apart. Each end of the court is marked with a 'service' and 'receiving' zones. The service zone is the area between the net and the service line, whereas the receiving zone is the area between the service line and the end line.

The Rules and Techniques

The rules of Sepak Takraw are fairly simple and straightforward. The team serving first rotates after each point. The service must be underhand and the ball must be thrown into the air before it is kicked. The receiving team must keep at least one foot in the receiving zone until the ball is kicked. After the ball is kicked, the players can jump and move to catch the ball. The players can only touch the ball with their feet, knees, and chest. A point is scored when the receiving team fails to return the ball over the net or the serving team fails to serve the ball correctly. The first team to reach 21 points wins the game. The game is played in sets, with the winner of each set being the first to win two games.

Strategies and Tactics

The strategies and tactics in Sepak Takraw vary significantly from those in traditional volleyball. The players need to be agile, fast, and have excellent footwork. The game is all about quick reflexes, as the players need to catch the ball before it hits the ground. Teamwork is also crucial as the players need to work together to pass the ball, set the net, and defend their side of the court. One of the most notable aspects of Sepak Takraw is the variety of kicks used. Players can use their foot to kick the ball, their knee to kick the ball, or their chest to kick the ball. This makes the game more challenging and exciting.


Sepak Takraw is a unique sport that blends the rules and techniques of volleyball, soccer, and basketball. The rules may differ slightly from country to country, but the essence of the game remains the same. The art of foot volleyball requires agility, fast reflexes, and teamwork. It is a challenging and exciting game that is ideal for players of all ages. If you're interested in learning more about the rules of Sepak Takraw, or want to give it a try, visit your local Sepak Takraw club or contact your local Sepak Takraw association.

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